Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Duration for Green Card

New application - handed in after the 25th March 2010- under the Greencard scheme will only be granted a first-time residence permit for 18 months. Before the end of this first period, you can apply for an extension of up to two years and six months. Before the end of this second period, you can apply for an extension of up to four years.

Your residence permit can be extended if you have worked for the past 12 months for a minimum of ten hours per week. If you submit your application after your permission have run out you will be considered an illegal resident in Denmark.

Your residence permit can be extended for one year if you have lost your job through no fault of your own (e.g. due to cutbacks) no more than three months before applying for an extension, and if prior to this, you worked for 12 months for a minimum of ten hours per week.

Old applications–
handed in before and on the 25th March 2010- will still have a 3 year permission.

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