Thursday, August 26, 2010

Guidance about Appeals

You may lodge an appeal against the decision with the Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs, Holbergsgade 6, 1057 Copenhagen K. The email address is

You should forward your appeal direct to the Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration.

Once an appeal has been registered with the Ministry, an acknowledgement letter will be sent to the appellant – this will normally take one month. The appeal process takes approximately 3-9 months.
Please do specify the areas in the decision from DIS that you want to appeal on. In general you will have a refusal if you do not specify the areas that you want to appeal about.

Do update your personal address (post address), so that the Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs are able to communicate with you on letter.

Please bear in mind that according to guidelines an Indian "Master's degree/master of Arts/Science/Commerce, 2 years" are generally assessed as corresponding in level to a Danish bachelor's degree including one year of a Danish Master's degree (= 4 years of a university degree and not a full Danish Master's degree). The applicant will in this case only have 50 point and not 60 as many applicants believe.
The Work In Denmark Center (WIDC) at the Danish Embassy in New Delhi does not make decisions on green card cases. The WIDC is not able to help you with guidance on what to write in your appeal.

There is no fee for making an appeal direct to the Ministry. However should the Ministry require WIDC to follow up an appeal case, this will constitute a chargeable service. The applicable fee for this service will be approximately Rps4000, payable in advance by the appellant. WIDC will inform the applicant in advance if this fee is due.

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